Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter B

  1. Bleeding Varices
    Bleeding varices are a result of dilated blood vessels usually located in the stomach or esophagus. This bleeding is characterized by the increased pressure in the portal vein within the gastro-esophageal tract. When not immediately diagnosed, the condition may lead to serious complications such as liver failure. [read more]

  2. Blepharitis
    Blepharitis is the inflammation of the one's eyelids. It is characterized by inflammation of the margins of the eyelid. Blepharitis generally causes redness of the eyes and itching and irritation of the eyelids in both eyes. Its appearance is often confused with conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and due to its recurring nature it is the most common cause of "recurrent conjunctivitis" in aging people. It is also often treated as 'dry eye' by patients due to the gritty and sandy sensation it may give the eyes - although lubricating drops do little to improve the condition. The two types of blepharitis are anterior blepharitis and posterior blepharitis. In the former, the blepharitis affects the front of the eyelids near the eyelashes. The causes are seborrheic dermatitis (which similar to dandruff) and occasional infection by the bacteria Staphylococcus. The latter affects the back of the eyelids, the part that has contact with the eyes. This is caused by the oil glands that are situated in this region. It is the most common type of blepharitis. [read more]

  3. Blepharophimosis
    Blepharophimosis is a condition where the individual has bilateral ptosis with reduced lid size. The the patient's nasal bridge is flat and there is hypoplastic orbital rim. Both the vertical and horizontal palpebral fissures (or eyelid opening) are reduced in length. Vignes probably first described this entity as a dysplasia of the eyelids. Aside from small palpebral fissures, features include epicanthus inversus (folds curving in the mediolateral direction, inferior to the inner canthus), low nasal bridge, and ptosis of the eyelids. Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome, either accompanied with premature ovarian failure (BPES type I) or without (BPES type II), is caused by mutations in the FOXL2 gene. [read more]

  4. Blepharospasm
    A blepharospasm is any abnormal tic or twitch of the eyelid. It generally refers to Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEP), a focal dystonia, in which a neurological movement disorder affects involuntary and sustained muscle contractions of the muscles around the eyes. Benign means that the condition is not life threatening and essential indicates that the cause of the condition is unknown. Fatigue, stress, or an irritant are possible contributing factors of the condition. Symptoms may sometimes last for a few days then disappear without treatment, but in most of the cases the twitching is chronic and persistent, causing lifelong challenges. The symptoms are often acute enough to result in functional blindness. The person's eyelids feel like they are clamping shut and will not open without much effort. Patients have normal eyes, but for periods of time are basically blind due to their inability to open their eyelids. [read more]

  5. Blind Loop Syndrome
    Blind loop syndrome pertains to a condition wherein part of the small intestine is cut off or bypassed from the normal flow of food and digestive fluids. It is also alternatively known as stagnant loop syndrome or stasis syndrome. [read more]

  6. Blindness
    Blindness is the condition of lacking vision which may be caused by physiological and neurological factors. The clinical term ?no light perception? often refers to total blindness. Severe visual impairment with residual vision is also interpretative to blindness. Individuals described to be having only ?light perception? are those who have loss sight and can only differentiate light from dark ? meaning they only have the capacity to pinpoint the direction where the light is coming from. [read more]

    Blood clotting is a process where the blood coagulates in order to restore blood vessels during lacerations or whatever event that caused damage. This is an important feature since through blood clotting, open wounds begin to heal by themselves and blood vessels are repaired. The ability to blood clot is due to the sufficient platelet count in the blood. Lack of platelets will result to coronary diseases and clogged arteries which can be very fatal. [read more]

  8. Blood Clot In The Lungs
    Blood clot in the lungs, known as pulmonary embolism, is a condition where the blood vessels in the lungs become clogged due to the formation of a blood clots or hematoma. [read more]

  9. Blood in Semen
    Hematopsermia, or blood ion semen, is the bleeding of the semen during ejaculation. It can be a symptom of underlying diseases such as urinary tract infection, protatitis, sexually transmitted disease and benign prostate hypertrophy. [read more]

  10. Blood Platelet Disorders
    A blood platelet disorder refers to an abnormally low number of platelets, the particles in blood that help with clotting. As a result, blood does not clot normally for the patient with a low platelet count. [read more]

  11. Blood Poisoning
    Bacteremia, or blood poisoning, is a medical condition in which bacteria has already contaminated the blood. This is a dangerous state since the bacteria carried by the blood can make damages to the body organs in which it is brought to. [read more]

  12. Blood Pressure, High
    Blood pressure, high (high blood pressure) is characterized by an abnormally elevated amount of blood being pumped by the heart. Medically, high blood pressure is known as hypertension. [read more]

  13. Blood Pressure, Low
    Blood pressure, low (or low blood pressure) is the opposite of high blood pressure. Also known as hypotension, low blood pressure may not necessarily pose a health risk unless it is caused be an underlying medical condition. [read more]

  14. Bloom Syndrome
    Bloom syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by telangiectases and photosensitivity, deficiency in growth of prenatal onset, variable degrees of immunodeficiency, and increased susceptibility to neoplasms of many sites and types. The dermatologist David Bloom first described the syndrome in 1954. [read more]

  15. Blount's Disease
    Blount's disease is a growth disorder involving the tibia (shin bone) that causes the lower leg to angle inward, resembling a bowleg. [read more]

  16. Blue Cone Monochromatism
    Blue cone monochromatism, also known as S-cone monochromacy, is a recessive disorder that is linked to the X-chromosome. The affected person's green and red cones are missing while the blue cone mechanism is dominant and functioning properly. Cases like these have been called incomplete achromatopsia, wherein color vision is only impaired and not wholly absent. [read more]

  17. Blue Diaper Syndrome
    Blue diaper syndrome, also known as Drummond's Syndrome or Tryptophan Malabsorption, is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder characterized in infants by bluish urine-stained diapers. It is a defect in the body's tryptophan absorption in which the urine contains abnormal indoles, giving it a blue color. It is inherited as an autosomal or most certainly recessive trait but could also be linked to the X-chromosome. [read more]

  18. Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome
    Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome (BRBNS) is a syndrome characterized by multiple cutaneous venous malformations in association with internal venous lesions, most commonly affecting the bowel. BRBNS is an important syndrome because of it has the potential to result in serious or fatal bleeding. [read more]

  19. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a psychological disorder that involves a distorted body image. It is generally diagnosed in those who are extremely critical of their self-image, despite the fact that there may be no noticeable disfigurement or defect on their physique. It is characterized by an excessive preoccupation with a real or imagined defect in one's physical appearance. People with this disorder have a distorted or exaggerated view of their physical appearance and are obsessed with actual external characteristics or perceived flaws, such as certain facial features or imperfections of their skin. They often think of themselves as disfigured or ugly. People with body dysmorphic disorder often have difficulties controlling negative thoughts concerning their appearance, even when others reassure them that they look fine and that the small or perceived flaws aren't excessive or obvious. [read more]

  20. Body Lice
    Body lice, or rickets, are parasitic insects that thrive in the human body and eventually cause typhus. This was once a dreaded disease during World War I. [read more]

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