Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter G

  1. Glycogen storage disease type V
    Glycogen storage disease type V is a glycogen storage disease characterized by a myophosphorylase deficiency. It is also known by the names muscle phosphorylase deficiency or McArdle's disease. [read more]

  2. Glycogen storage disease type VI
    Glycogen storage disease type VI, also known as Hers disease, is a glycogen storage disease (GSD) characterized by a liver glycogen phosphorylase deficiency. It is also one of the less severe forms of all GSDs. [read more]

  3. Glycogen storage disease type VII
    Glycogen storage disease type VII, also known as Tauri disease, affects only the muscle tissue. This is similar to GSD type V. [read more]

  4. Glycosuria
    Glycosuria otherwise known as glucosuria is an osmotic diuresis due to excretion of too much glucose by the kidneys. [read more]

  5. Goitre
    Goitre, sometimes spelled as goiter and also known as a bronchocele, is a condition characterized by a large thyroid gland, resulting in a swelling of the neck area. The swelling usually occurs right below the Adam's apple. The condition is more common among older adults and in women. [read more]

  6. Goldenhar syndrome
    Goldenhar syndrome, also known as Oculo-Ariculo-Vertebral syndrome, is a congenital disorder wherein the ear, lip, nose, mandible and soft palate are incompletely developed. The condition usually affects just one side of the face. [read more]

  7. Golfer's Elbow
    Golfer's elbow is pain and inflammation on the inner side of the elbow, where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of the elbow. The pain may spread into the forearm and wrist. [read more]

  8. Gonadal dysgenesis
    Gonadal dysgenesis is a general term used to refer to conditions characterized by abnormal gonadal development. Most of these cases show ?streak gonads? only. Gonadal dysgenesis causes infertility and inhibits normal sexual development. [read more]

  9. Gonadal Dysgenesis Mixed
    Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is a condition of unusual and asymmetrical gonadal development leasing to an unassigned sex differentiation. Considering that the gonads in this medical condition may not be symmetrical, the development of the Mullerian and Wolffian duct may asymmetrical too (Donahoe PK, Crawford JD, Hendren WH Mixed gonadal dysgenesis, pathogenesis, and management. Pediatr Surg. 1979 Jun;14(3):287-300). [read more]

  10. Gonadal Dysgenesis Turner Type
    Turner type Gonodal Dysgenesis, otherwise known as Turner Syndrome or Ullrich syndrome, is a condition wherein the monosomy of X chromosome is the most ommon, making the female sexual characteristics though present are generally underdeveloped. It is said to occur in about one out of every 2500 female birth (National Institutes of Health (2004). Clinical Features of Turner syndrome). [read more]

  11. Gonadal Dysgenesis, XX Type
    XX Gonadal Dysgenesis is a type of female hypogonadism wherein no functional ovaries are present to induce puberty unlike those of normal girls whose karyotype is bound to be 46,XX. [read more]

  12. Gonadal Dysgenesis, XY Female Type
    XY Female type Gonodal Dysgenesis otherwise known as the Swyer Syndrom is a type of female hypogonadism wherein there is no functional gonads present in the person to induce puberty unlike those of common normal girl. [read more]

  13. Gonococcal Conjunctivitis
    Gonococcal conjunctivitis is a sexually-transmitted ocular disease. It is a very rare eye infection in adults and is most commonly seen in infants by mothers who are suffering gonorrhea. [read more]

  14. Gonorrhea
    Gonorrhea most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Non-genital sites that thrives are in the rectum, the throat (oropharynx), and the eyes (conjunctivae). The vulva and vagina in women are often spared because they are lined by stratified epithelial cells in women the cervix is the usual first site of infection. [read more]

  15. Goodpasture Pneumorenal Syndrome
    Goodpasture pneumorenal syndrome, otherwise known as Goodpasture's disease and anti -glomerular basement membrane disease is a condition wherein there is rapid destruction of the kidneys and hemorrhaging of the lungs. [read more]

  16. Goodpasture's syndrome
    Goodpasture's syndrome is a rare disease wherein there is hemorrhaging in the lungs and rapid destruction of kidneys. Many other conditions may have similar symptoms, however Goodpasture's syndrome is characterized by autoimmunity due to the immune system attacking cells with the Goodpasture antigen found in the lungs and kidneys. [read more]

  17. Gorham's disease
    Gorham's disease, also known as Massive Osteolysis, is a rare congenital bone disorder characterized by the spread of vascular channels that are destructive to the bone matrix. Osteolysis, or vanishing of the bones, occurs as well as angiomatosis. [read more]

  18. Gorlin Syndrome
    Gorlin syndrome is a disease affecting the connective tissues. It is also referred to as nevoid basal cell carcinoma. [read more]

  19. Gout
    Gout is a complex disorder that can affect anyone. Men are most likely to get gout than women are, but women become increasingly susceptible to gout after menopause. [read more]

  20. Graft versus host disease
    Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a commonly occurring side effect of allogeneic bone transplant or cord blood transplant wherein functional immune cells located in the transplanted marrow identify its recipient as a foreign body and attack. The disease can occur anywhere in the body but usually affected are the eyes, skin, stomach, and intestines. [read more]

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