Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter K

  1. Kabuki Syndrome
    Kabuki syndrome also called as Kabuki makeup syndrome (KMS) or Niikawa Kuroki syndrome in the past, is a rare pediatric inborn disease. This congenital disorder has no known cause and comes with numerous inborn anomalies and retardation of mental development. It was discovered by Niikawa and Kuroki who were Japanese scientists. It was named Kabuki syndrome because the individuals who are affected by this illness look like Kabuki dolls or Kabuki performers who are wearing white makeup. The name term Niikawa-Kuroki syndrome, obviously, relates to the two scientists who made the discovery of the illness. [read more]

  2. Kallman Syndrome with Spastic Paraplegia
    Kallman syndrome, by itself, is a type of hypogonadism (which is a decrease in the function of the sex glands that produce hormones). This is caused by a lack of GnRH hormone (the one that releases gonadotropin). The term Spastic paraplegia with Kallman syndrome has not been discussed in the previous years. This is a very rare genetic disease which is characterized chiefly by lower leg weakness and mild spasticity. Other signs include lack of production of the sex hormones and also the inability to smell odors. [read more]

  3. Kaolin Pneumoconiosis
    Kaolin is processed by, first, removing it from seams that are underground in an area of mining. The process involves slicing, drying, and pulverizing to make a finished product. A study was done to know the concentration of kaolin dust in different areas of work. The study was also set up to be able to assess the occurrence of pulmonary and radiographic function defects among workers. There were 65 subjects from the Georgia kaolin mines. It was noted that the respirable concentrations of kaolin dust were at their peak in the areas where the product was being processed as compared to the mine or areas of maintenance. The study ran through 1977 until 1981. The kaolin dust level that is was respirable in the processing are in the year 1981 was at 1.74 milligrams/m3 and 0.14 milligrams/m3 in the area of mining. 5 of the workers from the processing area had evidences, confirmed by radiography, of kaolin pneumoconiosis. The FVC or the forced vital capacity and FEV1 mean values for the entire group were observed to be in the normal range. When the spirometric quantities were stated as a percentage or portion of the values that were predicted, the FEV1 and FVC were noticeably lower among workers with kaolinosis than among workers from within the processing area. Both the FEV1 and the FVC have declined considerably as the years progress and the worker remains working in the processing area. The FEV1/FVC%, on the other hand, was not changed significantly by either the kaolinosis presence or by the increase in work years. This indicates that the defect was confined and thus very likely to be a result of inhalation of the kaolin dust as compared to smoking. [read more]

  4. Kaposi Sarcoma
    Moritz Kaposi, a Hungarian dermatologist was the first one to describe Kaposi's sarcoma, as a tumor caused by Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV8). HHV8 is the eight human herpes virus. Kaposi's sarcoma is the cancer that usually comes about in many AIDS suffering patients. [read more]

  5. Karsch Neugebauer syndrome
    Karsch Neugebauer syndrome (Ectrodactyly) also known as ?lobster claw syndrome?, is a rare congenital (present at birth) deformity of the hand. This deformity is characterized by webbing of the fingers or toes. This unusual placement or position presents the hand to look like the claws of a lobster. This disorder also exhibits a missing toe or a missing finger. Other names that this disorder goes by are split hand deformity, lobster claw hand, cleft hand, ectrodactilia of the hand, and split hand/foot malformation. [read more]

  6. Kartagener Syndrome
    Kartagener syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder, which causes the cilia (tiny, hair-like structures) to be faulty or defective; thus prevent it from functioning properly. The cilia line the respiratory tract and fallopian tubes. It acts as the sweeper by brushing off all inhaled particles of dust, smoke, and other microbes out of the respiratory tract. Essentially, if the cilia are not functioning well, mucus and other inhaled germs will remain in the lungs, allowing the development of recurring infections in the lungs. [read more]

  7. Kaufman Oculocerebrofacial syndrome
    Kaufman Oculocerebrofacial syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder. This rare genetic medical condition is characterized by some abnormal looking facial features including small head, narrow face, eye anomalies, small mandible, upslanting palpebral fissure (the distance between the upper and lower eyelids), highly arched palates, and preauricular skin tags. Severely inflicted people show very obvious facial features of a mentally retarded person. [read more]

  8. Kawasaki Syndrome
    Kawasaki Syndrome is a medical condition with unknown cause that results in inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels (vasculitis) and primarily affects young children. [read more]

  9. Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
    Kearns-Sayre syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder of a genetic origin. However, it is different from other mitochondrial disorders because it occurs periodically and not maternally inherited. Onset of the disorder usually occurs before the person reaches the age of 20. [read more]

  10. Keloids
    Keloids are type of scars characterized by significant marks of skin elevation; it is an overgrowth of tissue on the exact location of the healed skin injury. Keloids usually occur after an injury or surgery. Keloids are usually firm, fibrous lesions. Keloids are non-contagious and non-malignant at the same time. Not like scars, keloids do not sink in size. Keloids often form on the back, chest, earlobes, and shoulder. The face is not primarily at a risk of developing keloids. [read more]

  11. Kennedy Disease
    Kennedy disease is a rare hereditary disease affecting the nerves and muscles (neuromuscular). Females can be carriers of the disease but only males present the symptoms of the disease. Kennedy Disease is also known as X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. [read more]

  12. Keratitis
    Keratitis is the scarring of the cornea of they eye. This scarring can cause severe infections that may lead to vision loss or blindness. A common kind of this condition is dendric keratitis; it is a scarring brought about by herpes zoster infections. The disease can be treated with idoxuridine as well as vidarabine. [read more]

  13. Keratoacanthoma
    Keratoacanthoma is a fairly common, epithelial tumor. Formerly, it was regarded as variant of Squamous Cell Carcinoma; a form of malignant cancer that occur in many different organs of the body including the skin, lips, esophagus, and mouth among other else. It is a disease common in the elderly. Keratoacanthoma usually disappears by itself within a period of time; it is non-contagious. [read more]

  14. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
    Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca is an eye condition commonly known as, ?dry eyes?. It is characterized by decreased in tear production and involves inflammation of the conjunctiva. In the common language, Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca means dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea. Other names for this disorder includes: xerophthmalia, dry eye syndrome, Sicca syndrome, keratitis Sicca. [read more]

  15. Keratoconus
    A rare degenerative disorder marked by a progressive thinning and cone-shape appearance of the cornea of the eyes; it is categorized as a non-inflammatory eye ailment. It is considered as the most usual type of corneal dystrophy in the US. [read more]

  16. Keratolysis, Pitted
    A skin condition affecting the soles of the feet and, less commonly, the palm of the hands is called pitted keratolysis, which is caused by a bacterial infection of the skin and may give off an unpleasant odor. [read more]

  17. Keratosis
    Keratosis is the abnormal growth of keratin on the skin. It has three types, keratosis pilaris, actinic keratosis and seborrheic keratosis. [read more]

  18. Keratosis Pilaris
    Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin condition that is limited to hair follicles. It is characterized by the development of uneven lumps in the skin. Its appearance resembles the skin of the chicken; precisely the reason why many refer to it as ?chicken skin.? Presence of these bumps are usually predominant on the back, upper arms (outer side), and other body surfaces (except the soles of feet and palms). It is always mistaken to be acne when present in the face. Keratosis Pilaris is not a serious medical condition and has no capacity to bring about serious health conditions. [read more]

  19. Keratosis,seborrheic
    Seborrheic Keratosis is a benign skin growth that can occur during puberty but are more common in older people starting at the age of 40. Seborrheic Keratosis is often illustrated as to having a ?pasted-on? appearance because growth only involves the top layer of the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis). It is also described as a thickening condition of the skin that increases with age.` [read more]

  20. Kerion
    A scalp condition that occurs in severe cases of scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), appearing as an inflamed, thickened, pus-filled area, and it is sometimes accompanied by a fever is called kerion. Commonly seen in children, the underlying condition, scalp ringworm is a usually harmless fungal infection of the hair and scalp that occurs as scaly spots and patches of broken hair on the head. [read more]

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