Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


Here you can look through thousands of and diseases, ailments, medical conditions and illnesses. You can find the symptoms. Read about any ailment's diagnosis and find medications that can be used and the correct treatments that are needed.

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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter C

  1. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a type of leukemia which attacks a particular lymphocyte called the B cell, which can be found in the bone marrow, whose task is to fight infections. A person with CLL has a damaged B cell, thus it cannot fight infections and rather eats up other blood cells that are able to fight infection. [read more]

  2. Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
    Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder that results when the body's immune system inappropriately attacks the thyroid gland. This causes damage to your thyroid cells and upsets the balance of chemical reactions in the body. The condition is also known as hashimoto's disease [read more]

  3. Chronic mountain sickness
    Chronic mountain sickness is a dsease developed during a long period of stay in high altitudes. It is also known as Monge's disease. It can develop several years after living at a high place, and high places are defined to be at over 2500 meters above sea level. [read more]

  4. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
    Chronic myelogenous leukemia or CML is a rare kind of blood cell cancer. It is considered as chronic leukemia due to its slow progression pattern, sometimes over a period of years. CML isn't solid tumor that may be removed surgically. Fortunately, prognosis for individuals with CML might be improving due to new medications for treatment of the condition. [read more]

  5. Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
    Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia is an illness wherein cells that normally develop into monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils become cancerous. This is a slow-progressing kind of myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative illness where countless white blood cells called myelomonocytes are present in one's bone marrow, and crowds out the normal blood cells. [read more]

  6. Chronic Necrotizing Vasculitis
    Chronic necrotizing vasculitis is the destruction and inflammation of ?blood vessel walls?, leading to termination of the related tissue. [read more]

  7. Chronic Neutropenia
    Chronic neutropenia is a disorder of the blood wherein there is a decreased number of the neutrophils, which has an effect on the ability of the body to battle infection. Neutrophils act as the body's major defense against particular fungal infections and acute bacterial. When their count goes under 1,000 cells for every blood microliter, the danger of infections somewhat increases. [read more]

  8. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the continual obstruction of the brochial airflow, which is usually occurring with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. It leads to persistent decrease in airflow rate from one's lungs when they exhale. The disease is second to heart disease, and often affects men than women. [read more]

  9. Chronic Pelvic Pain
    Chronic pelvic pain refers to any pain in the pelvic region lasting six months or more. It may be a symptom of another disease, or designated as a condition in its own right. [read more]

  10. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplagia
    Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplagia is autosomal recessive mitochondrial defect characterized by mitochondrial DNA deletions found in the skeletal muscle. Persons with the disease usually show signs of ataxia, neuropathy, depression, hearing loss and weakness of the external eye muscles. [read more]

  11. Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis
    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is an ailment wherein the bones of a child become painful and inflamed. The condition ?comes and goes', meaning there can be times when one doesn't have symptoms but experience occasional flare-ups. [read more]

  12. Chronic Renal Failure
    Chronic renal failure is the progressive and steady loss of the kidney's capability of excreting waste, concentrating urine, and conserving electrolytes. It's defined as permanent decrease in Glormerular Filtration Rate or GFR. This decrease in GFR is adequate enough to produce noticeable alterations in organ function and well-being. The condition is also known as Chronic Kidney Failure. [read more]

  13. Chronic Sinusitis
    Chronic sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the sinuses causing fluid buildup that plugs the sinus cavity and prevents normal mucus drainage. The condition recurs or stays longer than 12 consecutive weeks. [read more]

  14. Chronic Spasmodic Dysphonia
    Chronic spasmodic dysphonia is a long-term voice disorder wherein there is an involuntary or excessive laryngeal muscle contraction when talking. The vocal cords' movement is strained and forced resulting in quivery, jerky, tight, groaning, or horse voice. [read more]

  15. Chronic Vulvar Pain
    Chronic vulvar pain or Vulvodynia is a pain in the area around the vagina opening that lasts for months. [read more]

  16. Churg-Strauss Syndrome
    Churg-Strauss syndrome is among the several types of vasculitis, wherein there's an abnormal over-activation of an asthmatic person's immune system. The syndrome occurs in people having an allergy or asthma history. There is a swelling of the blood vessels in one's lungs, abdomen, nerves, and skin. [read more]

  17. Chylous Ascites
    Chylous ascites is an uncommon disorder that involves the drainage blockage of the abdominal lymph glands, resulting in the accumulation of milky chyle in the abdominal cavity. [read more]

  18. Cicatricial pemphigoid
    Cicatricial pemphigoid is a comparatively rare blistering disease involving the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, throat, nose, and genitals. The disease is an autoimmune disease wherein the immune system generates antibodies that attack certain proteins that attach the epidermal cells to each other. The disrupted connection causes the cell to separate from the skin's lower layers, thus blisters form. [read more]

  19. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
    Ciguatera fish poisoning is a type of marine toxin disease connected with eating a contaminated fish. The poisonous component is ciguatoxin. The poison is produced in small quantities by specific algae and other algae-like organisms known as dinoflagellates. Larger fish that are contaminated with ciguatoxin can build up poison to a hazardous level that can make a person sick if ingested. [read more]

  20. Cinchonism
    Cinchonism is defined as a pathological disorder involving a prolonged or excessive use of a white-crystalline alkloid component called quinine, or its natural supplier -the cinchona bark. Quinine is primarily used for treating resistant malaria, night-time muscle cramps, as well as can act as an ?abortifacient?. It can harmfully affect nearly all body system, the most common being cinchonism or quinine poisoning. [read more]

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