Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter M

  1. Moebius syndrome
    This extreme neurological disorder is named after German neurologist Paul Julius. [read more]

  2. Moersch Woltmann Syndrome
    Moersch-Woltmann syndrome, also known as stiff person disease, is a rare neurological disorder that causes severe muscle stiffness which could lead to paralysis. [read more]

  3. Moeschler Clarren syndrome
    Moeschler Clarren syndrome is also known as a congenital disorder affecting the development of the lower half of the face, most commonly the ears, the mouth and the mandible. The disease can either occur on one side of the face or both and sever cases can lead to difficulties in breathing, blocking the trachea. The condition may then require a tracheotomy. After clefts, Moeschler Clarren syndrome is the second most common facial birth defect with an incidence of 1 in 3500 to 4500. [read more]

  4. Mold Allergy
    There are over a thousand identified types of mold found in the environment. However, only a few dozen are culprits in triggering an allergic reaction. Mold allergy is the hypersensitivity to exposure to certain types of mold, which can either thrive outdoor or indoor. [read more]

  5. Mole, Atypical
    Atypical moles (atypical nevi) or otherwise known as dysplastic moles (dysplastic nevi) are cause by collections of the color-producing (pigment-producing) cells of the skin (melanocytes) in which the cells grow in abnormal way. They may occur as new lesions or as a change in an existing mole and may be single or multiple. With the risk increasing with the number of atypical moles present, people with atypical moles may be at increased risk for developing skin cancer (melanoma). [read more]

  6. Moles
    Moles otherwise known as Nevi, are clusters of pigmented cells that is usually small, and dark brown in color spots. It is usually not harmless but in some cases they are cancerous. [read more]

  7. Molluscum contagiosum
    A viral infection of the skin or occasionally of the mucous membranes, Molluscum contagiosum or MC has no animal reservoir and just like smallpox, only infects humans. MC has four different types namely MCV, MCV-1 to -4. The most prevalent is MCV-1, while MCV-2 commonly occurs among adults and is often sexually transmitted. The genitals, lower abdomen, buttocks and inner thighs are often affected in sexually transmitted MCV-2. The lips, mouth and eyelids may also be affected in rare cases. [read more]

  8. Mondini dysplasia
    Sometimes known as Mondini malformation, Mondini dysplasia is an abnormality in the inner ear that may cause hearing loss. It is said that a person with the disorder had an incomplete cochlea, meaning, it has two, one and one half, one or no turns at all in the cochlea. Normal cochleas have two and a half turns. [read more]

  9. Mondor's disease
    Named after French surgeon Henri Modor, Mondor's disease is a rare condition that may involve thrombophlebitis of the breast's superficial veins and the anterior chest wall. The disease may sometimes occur in the arm or penis. The disease is benign and self-limited. It may also involve 1 or more of 3 venous channels namely the thoracoepigastric vein, the lateral thoracic vein and the super epigastric vein. [read more]

  10. Monge's disease
    A disease that can develop during extended time living at altitude, Monge's disease, or Chronic mountain sickness was first described in 1925 by Carlos Monge. Its acute form is called acute mountain sickness, which occurs shortly after ascent to high altitude. Medicine describes high altitude as over 2500 meters though most cases of CMS occur at over 3000 meters. [read more]

  11. Monilethrix
    Said to be an autosomal dominant hair disease resulting in short, fragile and broken hair that appears beaded, Monilethrix got its name from the Latin word monile which means necklace and thrix, which is the Greek word for hair. It has not been determined though whether the disease is a disorder of the function or the structure of the hair. [read more]

  12. Monilla Infection
    Monilla infection, also known as yeast infection, is a vaginal disease caused by the monilla fungus. [read more]

  13. Monkeypox
    Monkeypox is a rare infectious disease caused by monkeypox virus. The disease is first identified in laboratory monkeys, giving it its name. The disease is more prevalent in Central and West Africa, but an outbreak occurred also in the United States in 2003. Monkeypox can be difficult to distinguish from mild smallpox and chickenpox. [read more]

  14. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) or benign monoclonal gammopathy is a condition in which a low or non-quantifiable level of a monoclonal paraprotein is detected in the blood by means of protein electrophoresis. Undetermined in the term may also be replaced with unknown or uncertain. [read more]

  15. Monomelic Amyotrophy
    Monomelic amyotrophy (or MMA) pertains to a rare disorder of the motor neurons, which are a group of nerves responsible for controlling voluntary muscles. [read more]

  16. Mononeuritis multiplex
    Mononeuritis multiplex comes out from problems with multiple individual nerves serially or almost simultaneously. It is a painful asymmetric asynchronous sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy involving isolated damage to at least 2 separate nerve areas. [read more]

  17. Mononucleosis
    Infectious mononucleosis (mono), or glandular fever, is often called the kissing disease. The virus that causes this disease is transmitted by saliva, so kissing can spread the virus, but so can coughing, sneezing, or sharing a glass or food utensil. The name comes because the number of mononuclear leukocytes (white blood cells with a one-lobed nucleus) rises importantly. [read more]

  18. Morning Sickness
    Morning sickness also called nausea, vomiting of pregnancy (emesis gravidarum or NVP), or pregnancy sickness, affects between 50 and 95 percent of all pregnant women as well as some women who use hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy. The nausea could be mild or induce actual vomiting. [read more]

  19. Morphea
    Morphea, a localized form of scleroderma, is a condition whereby there is the occurrence of the reddish or the purplish patching on the skin which usually occurs in the person's arms, torso and legs. [read more]

  20. Morquio disease, type A
    Referred to as mucopolysaccharidosis IV or Morquio, the disorder is known to be an autosomal recessive mucopolysaccharide disease that is usually inherited. It is also considered a relatively rare case of dwarfism with serious consequences. This happens when the body cannot process certain types of mucopplysaccharides, then they just build up or are eliminated causing a range of symptoms. The type A form is a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase. [read more]

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