Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter V

  1. Viral Hepatitis
    Viral Hepatitis is the medical condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the liver caused by viruses such as the cytomegalovirus. [read more]

  2. Viral Meningitis
    Viral Meningitis is the medical condition whereby there is an inflammation of the meninges or the protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord caused by viruses. [read more]

  3. Vision Problems
    Vision problems are anomalies that affect normal eye function. These disturbances are caused by a variety of factors ranging from genetic defects to environmental exposure. Among the main forms of vision problems are cataracts, blurry vision, refractive errors and swelling corneal blood vessels, as well as partial or total blindness. Vision problems can also be an effect of severe conditions such as eye cancers and other malignant growths. Vision problems can be detected by physical eye examinations and be treated with prescription glasses, contact lenses or eye surgery to restore normal vision. [read more]

  4. Vitamin A Deficiency
    In developing countries Vitamin A deficiency is common and often seen in developed countries. This deficiency contributes to blindness because it can make the cornea very dry and destroying the retina and cornea. Pregnant women are at risk because there is a high possibility that they acquire this deficiency. [read more]

  5. Vitamin A Deficiency
    Vitamin A Deficiency is the medical condition that refers to the person's inability to take the required or the minimum level of Vitamin A which helps the body to fight infections. itamin A deficiency also diminishes the ability to fight infections. In countries where children are not immunized, infectious disease like measles have relatively higher fatality rates. As elucidated by Dr. Alfred Sommer, even mild, subclinical deficiency can also be a problem, as it may increase children's risk of developing respiratory and diarrheal infections, decrease growth rate, slow bone development, and decrease likelihood of survival from serious illness. [read more]

  6. Vitamin A Overdose
    Vitamin A overdose is the medical condition whereby there is an excessive Vitamin A consumption. [read more]

  7. Vitamin B 6 Deficiency
    Vitamin B 6 Deficiency is a deficiency due to the poor absorption of nutrients particularly Vitamin B6 in the gastrointestinal tracts as in the case of chronic diarrhea and alcoholism or due to intake of isoniazid, hydrolazine and penicillamine [read more]

  8. Vitamin B Deficiency
    Vitamin B Deficiency is a medical condition whereby the person fail to consume the minimum requirement that a body need for vitamin B. It can lead to a lot of medical condition among which are abnormal neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. [read more]

  9. Vitamin B12 Deficiency
    Vitamin B12 deficiency is the deficiency which usually result from the failure of the digestive tract to absorb Vitamin B12 or Cobalomin which is necessary for making red blood cells and which is responsible for keeping the nervous system functioning. It is said that this deficiency may cause irreversible damage to the person's nerve (Insel, P., Turner, E., Ross, D. (2005). Discovering Nutrition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, p. 353). [read more]

  10. Vitamin C Deficiency
    Vitamin C deficiency otherwise known as scurvy, is the medical condition whereby there is less intake of Vitamin C that the body needs for protection against infections. [read more]

  11. Vitamin D Deficiency
    Vitamin D Deficiency is the medical condition whereby there is inadequate intake of vitamin D accompanied with the person's less exposure to sunlight. [read more]

  12. Vitamin D Overdose
    Vitamin D Overdose is the medical condition where there is an excessive ingestion of Vitamin D which may cause abnormal calcium metabolism. [read more]

  13. Vitamin D Resistant Rickets
    Vitamin D Resistant Rickets is the clinical condition characterized by the person's prevalent body resistance to the vitamin D treatment generally used in deficiency rickets. [read more]

  14. vitamin Deficiency Anemia
    If a human body lacks certain vitamins, the person develops anemia, in which case the healthy blood red cells are abnormally low. This is called the vitamin deficiency anemia that causes lack of oxygen in the body since the red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the rest of the body. [read more]

  15. Vitamin E Deficiency
    It is a condition whereby the person is unable to absorb dietary fat due to an inability to secrete bile. It is characterized by neurological problems associated with nerve degeneration in hands and feet (Institute of medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. (2000) Dietary Reference intakes: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids, National Academy Press, Washington D.C). [read more]

  16. Vitamin E Familial Isolated, Deficiency
    Familial Isolated Vitamin E Deficiency which is synonymous to Ataxia with Vitamin E Deficiency or to isolated Vitamin E Deficiency is a rare and autosomal recessive neurodegenrative disease. It is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder that is often characterized by the inability to coordinate voluntary movements and disease of the peripheral nervous system. It is a progressive disorder. [read more]

  17. Vitamin E Overdose
    Vitamin E Overdose is the medical condition characterized by too much consumption of vitamin E supplements. [read more]

  18. Vitamin K Deficiency
    Vitamin K Deficiency is a medical condition where there is not enough consumption of Vitamin K which is an essential lipid-soluble vitamin that usually plays a vital role in the production of the coagulation of proteins. [read more]

  19. Vitiligo
    Vitiligo is a rare skin condition characterized by the loss by color pigmentation of the areas of skin resulting to an irregular white patching. It is associated with systematic diseases like the Pernicous anemia, hyperthyroidism and Addison's disease. [read more]

  20. VKH
    Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome or Uveodematologic Syndrome or just VKH for brevity, is an immune-mediated disease. It is a rare condition which may affect both dogs and human and involves melanocyte-containing organ, which is characterized by the inflammation of the inside of the eye or the uveitus, occurrence of poliosis or the whitening of the hair, vitiligo or the loss of the pigmentation of the skin and even meningitis. The mechanism of the disease is said to be the T helper cell mediated autoimmune attack of melanocytes in the skin and uvea and in the central nervous system and inner ear of human (Sigle K, McLellan G, Haynes J, Myers R, Betts D (2006). "Unilateral uveitis in a dog with uveodermatologic syndrome". J Am Vet Med Assoc 228 (4): 543-8). [read more]

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