Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter A

  1. Acrocephaly
    Acrocephaly is a rare congenital syndrome which is often characterized by a narrowing of the pulmonary valve, retardation of the patient's mental development, and a pointy skull (or the skull's loftiness). More often than not, the head of the patient appears cone-like. A term that is similar to acrocephaly is oxycephaly. Oxycephaly has features that are similar to acrocephaly such as the coronal sutre and other sutures that close prematurely. Oxycephaly is the most severe type of of all craniostenoses. [read more]

  2. Acrochordon
    Small growths of skin that develop in some people on the neck, face, groin and armpits are called skin tags or acrochordons. These skin tags do not become cancerous or malignant since they are harmless. [read more]

  3. Acrocyanosis
    Acrocyanosis refers to a condition where the hands, feet or even the face persistently appear to have cyanotic or blue discoloration. The bluish color is caused by the lowered oxygen levels on the patient's extremities (some areas that can also be affected are the nipples, just the nose, or lips). The condition may not only manifest the pallor on the extremities but this discoloration could be accompanied by feelings of numbness, pins and needles sensation, soreness or even pain. The toes or fingers could also appear to be shiny and the tight-skinned. Acrocyanosis could also cause vasomotor disturbance (such as in the case of Raynaud's disease). This is a disease of the arterioles of the hands and feet that are exposed which also involves unusual contraction of the arteriolar walls which are magnified by exposing the areas to cold. This exposure results into the blue, mottled skin, sweating of the feet or hands, and chilling. It has been observed that patients who suffer from acrocyanosis may have acquired this condition because of the occurrence of other conditions before it such as emotional or mental disturbance. Neurocirculatory asthenia could also be an underlying cause. This condition can be subdivided into two forms: acrocyanosis (non-benign) with a sign which could allude to a more chronic medical concern; and acrocyanosis (benign) which is the more common condition which requires very little, if any, medical treatment. Females who are in their 20's are more vulnerable to the illness. The good thing about this condition is, it can improve as the patient ages. [read more]

  4. Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
    Acrodermatitis enteropathica is an autosomal recessive disease which affects zinc metabolism. This is characterized by periorificial (in the region of natural orifices) and in the limbs (acral dermatitis), loss of hair (also known as alopecia), and diarrhea. Having acquired zinc deficiency is somewhat similar to acrodermatitis enteropathica because it, too, can be congenital. The other known terms for acrodermatitis enteropathica are: Brandt syndrome, congenital zinc deficiency, and Danbolt-cross syndrome. [read more]

  5. Acrodysostosis
    Acrodysostosis also known as acrodysplasia, Arkless-Graham, or Maroteaux-Malamut is defined as a very rare inborn skeletal illness which is marked by defects on the bones of feet, hands, and the nose. Retardation of the patient's learning and mental development is a common occurrence. [read more]

  6. Acrodysplasia
    Acrodysplasia or acrocephalosyndactyly is an uncommon medical condition which is often characterized by a bulbous nose, bony growths, and loose extra skin throughout infancy. This is also a very rare genetic disease. A synonymous word is acrocephalosyndactyly. [read more]

  7. Acrodystrophic Neuropathy
    Acrodystrophic neuropathy, also known as Morvan disease, is a rare autoimmune defect characterized by muscle malignancies, severe cramps, myotonia, delirium and insomnia. There are only about 14 recorded cases of the illness disease since it was first discovered. [read more]

  8. Acrofacial dysostosis, Nager type
    Acrofacial dysostosis or Nager syndrome is a term that was coined by Nager and DeReynier in 1948. This condition is described as a syndrome which involves the upper limbs and skull. The most ordinary type of acrofacial dysostosis is the Nager Type (NAFD) of the so-called pre-axial acrofacial dysostosis. Generally, the effects of Nager type acrofacial dysostosis are palpebral fissures that are down-slanted; micrognathia; coloboma of the lower eyelids; and absent or hypoplastic radii or thumbs. [read more]

  9. Acromegaly
    Acromegaly was derived from the Greek word ?akros' meaning ?extremities' or ?extreme' and ?megalos' which means ?large'. This is a syndrome which results as the pituitary gland has an overproduction of hGH or growth hormone following the closure of the epiphyseal plate. There are several disorders that could cause the pituitary gland to come up with this circumstance. Most of these conditions involve a tumor that produces GH which is derived from a distinctive cell type (called somatotrophs) and named pituitary adenoma. [read more]

  10. Acromicric Dysplasia
    Acromicric dysplasia is a very rare inherited illness that is often characterized by unusually short feet and hands, retardation of the patient's growth and delays on bone maturation which lead to short stature, and mild abnormalities of the face. The face often appears with a happy or ?smiling' expression thus the descriptive word geleophysic which is derived from the Greek word ?gelios' which means ?laughing' and ?phylis' meaning ?nature'. Most of the number of cases for this illness has occurred in random for no obvious reason (sporadic). It has not been ruled out, though, that this is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder. The disease database clearly indicates that acromicric dysplasia is similar to Geleophysic dwarfism (also known as Geleophysic dysplasia) and Focal mucopolysaccharidosis. [read more]

  11. Acromicric Skeletal Dysplasia
    Acromicric skeletal dysplasia is a rare genetic disorder that features unusually short hands and feet. Patients with this disease may suffer from slow development and delayed bone growth that often leads to a short stature with facial deformities. No treatments yet are found for this disorder. [read more]

  12. Acrophobia
    Acrophobia is derived from the Greek word ?akpoc' which means ?summit'. This phobia is described as the irrational dread of high places. This belongs to a certain category of phobias which are called motion and space discomfort (these two share like etiology and choices of treatment). This phobia could become very dangerous because those who suffer from it could experience attacks of panic when on a high place. As a result, they could become so agitated and they would have troubles getting themselves down to the ground safely. Vertigo is often associated or link with acrophobia and it is sometimes misconstrued as the phobia itself. The former is a feeling of nausea which is correctly described as a sensation of being spun. Vertigo can be caused by acrophobia when the person gets to a high place and then experience nausea. This type of vertigo that is triggered by heights is referred to as height vertigo. [read more]

  13. ACTH Deficiency
    ACTH deficiency or isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency is a disorder which arises from a decrease or absence of the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (also known as ACTH hormone). The pituitary gland is the one which produces this hormone. A decrease on the concentration of adrenocorticotropic in a person's blood would lead to reduced adrenal hormone secretions. This reduction of secretion of adrenal hormones could result into hypoadrenalism or adrenal deficiency. Adrenal insufficiency would then lead to loss of weight, a lack of appetite or anorexia nervosa (which is also a psychological disorder), nausea, weakness, vomiting, and hypotension or low blood pressure. Other uncommon symptoms include the lack or absence of pubic hair in some female patients; the lack or absence armpit hairs; having pale skin. These symptoms can be so general that is why proper diagnosis is often totally missed or delayed. For this reason, some physicians tend to believe that the disorder could be more common than had been previously thought. [read more]

  14. Actinic Cheilitis
    Sometimes known as ?sailor's lip? or ?farmer's lip,? actinic cheilitis is a precancerous condition related to cumulative lifetime sun exposure. People with this disorder often complain of cracking of the lips and persistent dryness where the lower lip is most often affected. [read more]

  15. Actinic Keratosis
    Actinic keratosis also known as solar keratosis, even AK is a premalignant condition of the skin where the signs include crusty, scaly, thick patches. This disorder is common among fair-skinned individuals who are often exposed under the sun (white people have less protection from their skin's pigment). This condition is often accompanied by damage made by the sun. Since a few of these are pre-cancer carcinomas, they should be attended to immediately. When a person's skin is exposed under the sun, the signs such as crustiness and thickness begin to appear. These bumps are often rough and dry and they start out as flat areas but soon develop into something tough which often resembles a wart. Actinic keratosis is about 2.0-6.0 mm. in range and they can be light or dark, pink or tan, it can even be red in color or it can be a combination of all the mentioned colors. It could appear on the areas that are exposed under the sun such as the chest, back, ears, neck, face, scalp, forearms, hands, and lips. [read more]

  16. Actinomycetales Infection
    Actinomycetales infection is an infection which is bacterial in nature. This comes from the order of actinobacteria. The alternate names for this type of infection are: actinomycete infection; actinomycetales infection; or actinomycte infection. [read more]

  17. Actinomycosis
    Actinomycosis (pronounced ak-tuh-nuh-my-KOH-sihs) is a rare and infectious bacterial disease among humans. This is generally caused by Propionibacterium propionicus and actinoyces israelii, A.gerencseriae. This condition is unlikely a polymicrobial infection. Actinomycosis is a sub-acute to chronic bacterial disease which is caused by the filamentous, anaerobic to microaerophilic, and gram positive bacteria that are non-acid fast. [read more]

  18. Activated Protein C Resistance
    Activated protein C resistance is a hemostatic disease which is characterized by a reduced anticoagulant response to APC or activated protein C. The result is a heightened risk of venous thrombosis. The activated protein C resistance or APCr was first studied and reported by Dahlback in 1993. Activated protein C with protein S as its co-factor degrades Factor VIIIa and Factor Va. Activated protein C resistance is the failure of protein C to cleave Factor VIIIa and/or Factor Va. This permits for a longer extent of thrombin generation and could proceed to the hypercoabulable phase. The most common form of hereditary resistance to activated protein C is Factor V Leiden. Acquired types occur together with elevated concentrations of Factor VIII. It has been evaluated that up to 64% of people who are afflicted with venous thromboembolism could also have activated protein C resistance. [read more]

  19. Acutane Embryopathy
    Acutane embryopathy is a rare disease that is caused by exposure of the fetus to retinoids and which often results into physical and mental defects at birth. [read more]

  20. Acute articular rheumatism
    Acute articular rheumatism is a rare and non-contagious medical condition brought about by a bacterial joint infection that can possibly come with a heightened risk of the development of heart complications. Adults are the common victims affected by this disease. However, statistics have shown that less than 200, 000 Americans are afflicted with this condition, which explains why it is categorized as a rare disease. [read more]

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