Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter A

  1. Albers-Schonberg Disease
    The Albers-Schonberg disease is one of the most common types of osteopetrosis. It has been found that it is caused by the mutation in the CICN7 chloride channel gene. Those who have Albers-Schonberg disease, have bone cells, osteoclats, not functioning normally. These osteoclats are responsible for the breaking down of old bone tissues so that new ones will grow. In case of the disease, the osteoclats do not break the old bone tissues which then results in overgrow of the bones in the body. These overgrown then become very brittle and break easily. In the United States, it is estimated that around 1,250 persons have osteopetrosis. There are different forms of osteopetrosis and the most severe type is very rare that in the United States, there are only about 8 to 40 cases reported each year. The malignant infantile osteopetrosis is a severe form of the disease. It affects the child even when she is still in the womb. When the baby is delivered, the bones of the shoulder usually break. The baby with malignant infantile osteopetrosis has low calcium, has pressure on the optic nerve in the brain and experiences frequent bone fractures. About 75% of those affected with this disease will develop anemia and thrombocytopenia. If not treated, the child is not expected to live beyond the age of 10. Children have the disease when the parents have the abnormal genes even though they may not have the symptoms. The transient infantile osteopetrosis is the same as the infantile osteopetrosis except that in this case the patient heals on her own without treatment. The adult benign osteopetrosis is what is originally called the Albers-Schonberg disease. The disease is named after the man who first recorded or described the disease. The disease is generally mild and is more common among those in between the age of 20 and 40. One of the most common manifestations of the disease is frequent bone fractures and difficulty healing them. In some cases bone infections, degenerative arthritis, headache and pain may also be experience by those with the disease. The disease may be inherited from the parent with the defective gene and children of parents with the Albers-Schonberg disease have about 50% chance of having the same defective gene. The intermediate osteopetrosis is more common among children below the age of 10. The symptoms is almost the same as the malignant infantile osteopetrosis although less severe. It is believed that it is inherited the same way as the malignant infantile osteopetrosis. [read more]

  2. Albinism
    Albinism is the term used to describe a heterogeneous group that display genetically determined disorders that are generally characterized by hypopigmentation that largely affects the eyes. This group of disorders will result to little or no melanin production; hence patients don't have melanin on their skin, eyes and hair. Albinos are quite sensitive to sun exposure and at significantly more at risk of developing skin cancer. [read more]

  3. Albinism immunodeficiency
    Albinism immunodeficiency is an unusual persistent disorder that involves multiple systems of the body and occurs from an alteration in the lysosomal trafficking regulator gene, LYST. Because of the destruction of lysosome degranulation with phagosomes phagocytosed bacteria are not damaged by the lysosome's enzymes. Additionally, emission of lytic secretory granules in the cytotoxic T cells is also distressed. Not only doe sit happen to humans but also to cattle, blue Persian cats, white tigers and orcas. [read more]

  4. Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
    Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, otherwise known as Martin-Albright syndrome is generally a form of osteodystrophy. This is considered to be a very rare genetic disorder characterized as the body's failure t respond and recognize parathyroid hormone. This hormone is involved in taking control of phosphate and calcium in the blood vessel. [read more]

  5. Albright's syndrome
    In 1937, Donovan James McCune and Fuller Albright explained Albright's syndrome as an inherited condition distinguished by abnormalities in the skin pigmentation, bone ailments and endocrine complications. The diseases in the bone may result to the weakness of the bone and abnormalities in the legs, arms and skull. Diseases in the endocrine may the reason for early puberty and elevated growth rate. Patients are affected by several distinctiveness of the ailment to various degrees several individuals may have the condition and have no evident complications. [read more]

  6. Albright's syndrome
    Albright's syndrome is a genetic disorder that is characterized by some irregularities on the skin known as caf?-au-lait spots, endocrine problems and bone diseases, by which the bones become weak and the development of deformities in the skull, legs and arms. The endocrine diseases may cause an abnormally rapid increase of growth rate and early puberty. Patients are affected in varying degrees and display different characteristics largely depending on the severity of the case. [read more]

  7. Alcaptonuria
    Alcaptonuria is more commonly known as black urine disease, which is very rare genetic disease that can be passed on as an autosomal recessive trait. The particular gene that causes this disorder is unable to break down some proteins known as phenylalanine and tyrosine that may be toxic to the human body. This condition is harmful to the bones and body tissues. [read more]

  8. Alcohol fetopathy
    Alcohol fetopathy is characterized by a series of congenital defects that affect the facial, cranial, cardiac and nueral abnormalities. This medical condition also involves mental and physical retardation that occur on infants arising from excessive alcohol intake by the mother during pregnancy. [read more]

  9. alcohol hepatitis
    Alcohol is commonly associated with a number of liver diseases including hepatitis. However, the relationship between alcohol hepatitis and drinking is quite complex. This is because only a small number of heavy drinkers are afflicted with alcohol hepatitis and there are some moderated drinkers who have contracted this disease. Alcohol can possibly progress to liver failure and cirrhosis if patient continues to drink and is often fatal. [read more]

  10. Alcohol Induced Neurotoxicity Syndrome
    Alcohol-induced neurotoxicity syndrome is an acquired neurological damage caused by excessive alcohol abuse. This condition is associated with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and is characterized by dementia. [read more]

  11. Alcohol Poisoning
    Alcohol Poisoning is a serious ? sometimes deadly ? result of consuming dangerous amounts of alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake can create a direct and devastating impact on the central nervous system. Alcohol can lead to serious conditions including slowing your breathing, heart rate and gag reflex. These occurences can result to severe implications like choking, coma and even death. Alcohol poisoning is life-threatening condition that is usually brought about as a result of drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages within a short period of time. [read more]

  12. Alcoholism
    Alcoholism is drinking alcoholic beverages at a level that obstruct with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or job responsibilities. It is a progressive medical condition that encourages alcohol dependency. You may be fascinated with alcohol and unable to control how much you drink. [read more]

  13. Aldosteronism, Primary
    Primary aldosteronism is a medical condition, where the adrenal glands of the body produce too much of the aldosterone hormone, which causes the body lose potassium and retain sodium. In general, sodium and potassium work together to aid in maintaining the right balance of fluids in the human body, help in transmitting nerve impulses, as well as contract and relax the muscles. However, the excess in aldosterone results to sodium retention, retaining excess water and the increase of blood pressure and blood volume. [read more]

  14. Alexander disease
    Alexander disease is considered as a very rare type of neurological conditions that is known as leukodystrophies, which is a disorder results from abnormalities in myelin, the ?white substance? that protects the nerve fibers in the brain. Alexander disease is progressive in nature and is usually fatal. [read more]

  15. Alien hand syndrome
    Alien hand syndrome , also identified as Dr. Strangelove syndrome and anarchic hand is an very unusual neurological disorder, characterized by the apparent loss of control of one's hand, and the sufferer's hand appears to have a mind of its own. [read more]

  16. Alkalosis
    Alkalosis is a condition when there is a fleuid and electrolytes imbalance. In this case the base or also called alkali is in higher level. Its opposite is acidosis, which is the acid level of our body, is abnormally high. [read more]

  17. Alkaptonuria
    Alkaptonuria is a very rare disease that is genetically transmitted. The disease is characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme called homogentisic acid oxidase. This type of deficiency often leads to the buildup of the homogentisic acide on the tissues of the body. This medical condition has been reported to be more prevalent in Dominican Republic and Slovakia. [read more]

  18. Allan-Herndon syndrome
    Allan-Herndon syndrome is categorized as an extremely rare hereditary disorder that causes severe mental retardation along with impaired speech ability, diminished muscle tone, as well as possible movement abnormalities. For most infants afflicted with this medical condition tend to develop normally during the first few months. However, when the child reaches more or less six months, the baby will appear weak and unable to hold up its head and may never learn to walk on their own. [read more]

  19. Allergic angiitis
    Allergic angiitis is also known by another medical term called Churg-Strauss syndrome, which is characterized by a restricted blood flow to the various organs. While this disease normally involves any major body organ, it usually affects the skin and the lungs. The restricted flow of blood can cause serious damage of the affected areas. The restricted flow of blood to the body organs can cause temporary or permanent damage. [read more]

  20. Allergic Asthma
    Allergic Asthma is a medical condition that is characterized by the episodic obstruction of bronchial reactivity and airway inflammation caused by allergies. [read more]

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