Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter F

  1. Fabry disease
    Fabry disease is basically caused by the faulty or lack of enzyme that are needed to efficiently metabolize lipids, which are fat-like substances that include waxes, oils and fatty acids. This enzyme is known as alpha-galactosidase-A or otherwise known as ceramide trihexosidase. [read more]

  2. Facet Degeneration
    Facet degeneration syndrome is a severe kind of back pain that affects the facet joint. It is associated with another back illness, degenerative disc disease. [read more]

  3. Facial Palsy
    Facial palsy or Bell's palsy is a temporary form of facial paralysis occurring when the nerve that controls movement of the muscles in the face are damaged. [read more]

  4. Facial paralysis
    Facial paralysis is quite a common problem that primarily involves the paralysis of any facial structure that is innervated by the nerve of the face. The main pathway of the human facial nerve is relatively convoluted and long, which means there are a number of underlying causes that may result to the development of facial paralysis. Among the most common causes is Bell's palsy. [read more]

  5. Faciocutaneoskeletal Syndrome
    Faciocutaneoskeletal syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that takes place on the different organs of the body, causing multisystem disorder. [read more]

  6. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is also commonly known by another medical term as Landouzy-Dejerine. This is categorized as an autosomal dominant type of muscular dystrophy that primarily affects the patient's skeletal muscles of the scapula, face and upper arms. It is categorized as one of the most common genetic disorder that affects the skeletal muscle. The symptoms gradually develop and can become increasingly evident during the teenage years. [read more]

  7. Factitious Disorder
    Also known as Munchausen syndrome, Factitious disorder is a serious mental disorder in which someone pretends to be sick or deliberately causes illness of injury to fulfill his or her deep emotional needs. The disease is names after Baron von Munchausen. People with factitious disorder often make up symptoms, push for risky operations, or try to rig laboratory results in order to gain sympathy and concern. Munchausen syndrome [read more]

  8. Factor II deficiency
    Factor II deficiency is categorized is an extremely rare disorder. To date, there are only about 26 reported cases of this medical condition and is said to only occur 1 in 2 million individuals. This is known as an autosomal recessive disorder that equally affects both women and men. This is also known as prothrombin deficiency, which is identified as a precursor to thrombin and manifests as an abnormality of the prothrombin structure. [read more]

  9. Factor V Deficiency
    Factor V deficiency is a hereditary disorder in which there is an anomalous blood coagulation, resulting from a deficiency in a plasma protein called Factor V. Factor V functions as an enzyme cofactor; the deficiency will lead to a tendency for hemorrhage, while some mutations influence thrombosis. [read more]

  10. Factor V Leiden Mutation
    Factor V Leiden mutation is a widespread clotting disorder caused by the mutation of a gene in the clotting of Factor V. The mutation results to Factor V responding more gradually to Protein C. Protein C is an anti-clotting aspect that usually controls Factor V activity. Consequently, individuals with Factor V Leiden mutation have increased risks of thrombophilia or blood clots. [read more]

  11. Factor VII Deficiency
    Factor VII deficiency is an uncommon disorder that's hereditary in which there is a lack of sufficient plasma protein Factor VII. The deficiency leads to coagulation or abnormal clotting of the blood. Clinical bleeding may vary widely and doesn't always associate with Factor VII coagulant activity level. FVII is among the Vitamin K group that's synthesized inside the liver. [read more]

  12. Factor VIII Deficiency
    Factor VIII deficiency is an uncommon bleeding disorder in which a fundamental clotting factor, known as gene Factor VIII, is lacking. The lack leads to Hemophilia A disorder, which results to an increased bleeding risk from injuries, particularly injuries on joints, brain, muscles, and digestive tract. [read more]

  13. Factor X Deficiency, Congenital
    Factor X Deficiency, Congenital -is an uncommon inherited disorder that involves the lack of a protein, known as Factor X, in one's blood. The deficiency in the protein leads to blood clotting problems, ranging from mild to serious. Women affected by the deficiency may experience extremely heavy menstrual flow, as well bleeding following delivery. [read more]

  14. Factor XI Deficiency, Congenital
    Factor XI Deficiency, Congenital -is an uncommon hereditary bleeding disorder that involves a deficiency in blood protein Factor XI. This blood protein is required for the process of blood clotting. The disorder is typically mild, but its severity is variable. Factor XI deficiency may initially manifest as ?incidental laboratory abnormality', which may show as early as circumcision or much later during possible surgery. [read more]

  15. Factor XIII Deficiency, Congenital
    Factor XIII Deficiency, Congenital ?is a very uncommon hereditary blood disorder that is characterized by anomalous blood clotting resulting in abnormal bleeding. Factor XIII is fundamentally a ?plasma transglutaminase', which catalyzes the last step of coagulation cascade; it cross-links ?loose fibrin polymer' into an extremely organized structure. Defect in Factor XIII results to the symptoms of the deficiency. [read more]

  16. Fahr's Disease
    Fahr's disease is an uncommon genetically dominant neurological disorder in which there is a presence of abnormal calcium deposits in brain areas that control movement, including the ?cerebral cortex' and ?basal ganglia'. This condition is frequently referred to as IBGC or ?idiopathic basal ganglia calcification', as there's no obvious explanation for calcification within these regions of the brain. [read more]

  17. Fainting
    Vasovagal syncope is the most common type of fainting. There are a number of different syncope syndromes; all which falling under the umbrella of vasovagal syncope. The central mechanism leading to loss of consciousness is the common element among these conditions. The only difference among them is the triggering factors. [read more]

  18. Fallen Arches
    Fallen arches or also known as Pes planovalgus, is a condition where the arch or instep of the foot collapses and comes in contact with the ground. This arch never develops in some individuals. [read more]

  19. Fallen Bladder
    Fallen bladder is also called cystocele. This condition occurs when the wall in between the bladder and the vagina becomes weak allowing the bladder to fall into the vagina and causing problems emptying the bladder. A bladder that dropped off from the normal position may cause problems unwanted leakage of urine and the bladder emptied incompletely. A fallen bladder also stretches the opening of the urethra which cause urine to leak out when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or any movement putting pressure on the bladder. [read more]

  20. Fallot Tetralogy
    Fallot tetralogy is a rare condition that involves defects inside the structures of the heart of young children and infants. Jointly, these defects lead to poor oxygen in blood flowing from the heart into the body. As a result, children and infants with this condition typically show blue-tinged skin. [read more]

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