Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter A

  1. Ankylostomiasis
    Ankylostomiasis, derived from the Greek words ?anclo? (crooked or bent) and ?stoma? (mouth), is the disease caused by hookworms. It is also known as tunnel disease, Egyptian chlorosis, Miner's anemia, helminthiasis and Brickmaker's anaemia. Ankylostomiasis is a condition caused by large numbers of hookworms present that produce iron deficiency anemia by aggressively sucking blood from its host's intestinal walls. Hookworm is the leasing cause of child and maternal morbidity in areas of the tropics and subtropics. In children, Ankylostomiasis could cause growth retardation, prematurity, intellection and cognitive retardation, intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight for newborns with infected mothers. Ankylostomiasis is rarely fatal, but severe anemia could be present with patients heavily infected with the disease. [read more]

  2. Annular pancreas
    Annular pancreas is an extremely rare condition that occurs in 1 out of 15,000 newborns. Annular pancreas is a condition wherein the second part of the ?duodenum? is surrounded by pancreatic tissues that continue up to the head of the pancreas. This part of the pancreas constricts the duodenum and impairs or blocks the flow of food to the intestines. [read more]

  3. Ano-rectal atresia
    Ano-rectal atresia is a birth defect characterized by a malformed rectum due to an unknown cause. This condition is commonly present along with other types of birth defects such as heart and spinal problems, renal and limb anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. Ano-rectal atresia is sometimes a complication of sacrococcygeal teratoma. There are several forms of Ano-rectal atresia. Sometimes the colon remains close to the skin (low lesion), which can be caused by narrowing of the anus or missing anus with the rectum ending in a pouch. Other types are characterized with a high lesion, wherein the colon is located high in the pelvis, while the fistula connects the rectum with the vagina, urethra or bladder. Some patients suffer from a joined vagina and colon into a single channel, a disorder called persistent cloaca. To confirm the type of Ano-rectal atresia, sonography is recommended. Ano-rectal atresia occurs in 1 in 5,000 newborns. It affects both boys and girls. However, Ano-rectal atresia will be present as the low version 90% in females and 50% in males. [read more]

  4. Anodontia
    Anodontia, also known as anodontia vera in dentistry, is a very rare genetic disorder. This disease is characterized by congenital absence of all permanent and primary teeth. Anodontia is associated with a group of nerve and skin syndromes known as ?ectodermal dysplasias?. Anodontia is commonly part of different syndromes, which rarely occur as an isolated disorder. Partial anodontia, wherein the patient suffers from congenital absence of two or more teeth, could also occur. This is also known as ?oligodontia? and ?hypodontia?. Some patients may also suffer from congenital absence of all third molars and all wisdrom teeth. [read more]

  5. Anonychia microcephaly
    Anonychia Microcephaly is a neurological disorder characterized by a small head circumference, widely spaced teeth, clinodactyly of 5th finger and the absence of nails. This condition may be congenital. However, some cases develop during the first years of life. Anonychia Microcephaly may be caused by various conditions that result in chromosomal abnormalities or an abnormal growth of the brain. Infants with Anonychia Microcephaly are born with a reduced head size. As the child grows, his or her head size fails to grow while their faces continue to develop normally, resulting in a small head with receding forehead and loose scalp. When the child grows older, the size of the skull becomes more obvious even if the entire body became dwarfed or underweight. [read more]

  6. Anophthalmia
    Anophthalmia is the congenital absence of one or both eyes. Its name is derived from the Greek word ?anophthalmos?, meaning ?without eye?. Primary or True Anophthalmia is extremely rare. True Anophthalmia occurs when complete absence of the ocular tissue inside the orbit is diagnosed. When this condition occurs, a small globe becomes present inside the orbital soft tissue, which is usually not visibly in the initial examination. Extreme microphtalmos is more commonly seen. [read more]

  7. Anopthalmia
    Anopthalmia is a congenital disorder in which a child is born with only one or totally no eyes. The occurrence of this defect is very rare. In this condition, there only is a small white mass present in the ocular cavity; but the mass contains no vision abilities. Treatment for this disease requires surgery. [read more]

  8. Anorchia
    Anorchia is a medical condition wherein both testes are not present at birth. Anorchia is also known as congenital anorchia, vanishing testes syndrome, vanishing testes, empty scrotum and testicular regression syndrome (TRS). During the first few weeks of fertilization, the embryo needs to develop rudimentary sex organs that are very important to the development of the reproductive system. In human males, if their sex organs do not develop within the first 8 weeks, they will develop female genitalia. When the testes are lost between 8 to 10 weeks, they will develop ?ambiguous genitalia? at birth. However, when the testes are lost after fourteen weeks, the baby can develop a normal, male reproductive system, but without testes. People with Anorchia have a 46-XY chromosome constellation. Signs of Anorchia include lack of secondary sex characteristics and an empty scrotum. [read more]

  9. Anorexia nervosa
    Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder that describes an eating disorder, which is characterized by body image distortion and low body weight due to an obsessive fear of becoming fat or gaining weight. People with anorexia nervosa usually control their body weight by voluntary vomiting, purging, starving, extreme exercise and other weight control measures, such as taking diuretic drugs and diet pills. It usually affects adolescent females and only 10% of anorexia nervosa patients are male. Anorexia nervosa is an extremely complex disorder, involving neurobiological, sociological and psychological components. [read more]

  10. Anorgasmia
    Anorgasmia is a medical term to refer to the regular difficulty of reaching reaching orgasm especially even after ample sexual stimulation and causing personal distress. Anorgasmia is actually a very common occurrence with about 15 percent of women report such cases of experiencing difficulty in reaching orgasm. [read more]

  11. Anosmia
    Anosmia is a condition wherein patients experience the loss of temporary or permanent ability to smell. Hyposmia is a related condition wherein patients experience a decrease in their ability to smell, while ?hyperosmia? is a condition that causes an increase in the patient's ability to smell. However, when a person loses his sense of smell for a particular odor, he is suffering from a genetically based disorder called ?specific anosmia?. ?Congenital Anosmia? refers to the condition wherein a person is born without the sense of smell. Anosmia can be associated with other conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, zinc deficiency, cadmium poisoning, allergies, Refsum disease, holoprosencephaly, Alzheimer's disease, Kallman syndrome and Parkinson's disease. [read more]

  12. Anovulation
    Anovolution is a medical condition where by there is difficulty in ovulating thereby causing infertility. The ovary in this kind of medical condition fails to release egg which make her unable to conceive. [read more]

  13. Anoxia
    Anoxia is a medical condition where there is lack of oxygen in the body to supply it to the person's organ tissues. It is also known as hypoxia inasmuch as they refer to same condition where there is not enough oxygen needed to supply the organ tissues of the body. [read more]

  14. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
    Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries are extreme stretching and tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, which can either be complete or partial. [read more]

  15. Anterior horn disease
    Anterior horn disease is a condition that affects the anterior horn cells, which are responsible for voluntary muscle activities, such as breathing, walking, swallowing and speaking. Anterior horn disease is characterized by the death of more neurons, which result in a prolonged and progressive motor weakness. Some patients with anterior horn disease are affected permanently. [read more]

  16. Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome
    Anterior knee pain syndrome is a degeneration of the tissue that protects the knee cap. This disease features extreme pain on the knees and is usually felt by people who are into athletic sports. [read more]

  17. Anthrax
    Anthrax is an acute disease in animals and humans, which is caused by the bacterium ?bacillus anthracis?. Some types of anthrax are highly lethal. There are 89 types of anthrax recorded. Unlike other types of bacteria, anthrax can form long-lived spores. As soon as the life cycle of the bacteria is threatened by various factors, such as temperature change of dying host, the bacteria can transform into dormant spores, wait for another host and transfer to continue their life cycle. Anthrax usually occurs in wild and grass-eating mammals that breathe or ingest in the spores while eating grass. This disease can also be caught by humans exposed to dead infected pigs, high amounts of anthrax spores in animal wool, fur or hide and tissues from infected animals. While anthrax cannot be spread directly from one person to the next, human clothing can transfer the spores and when an infected person dies and the body is buried. [read more]

  18. Antibiotic Resistance
    Antibiotic resistance is the capability of a microorganism to resist the effects of antibiotics. It is a particular type of drug resistance. It develops naturally via natural selection that acts upon arbitrary mutation but it can also be developed by applying an evolutionary stress on a population. [read more]

  19. Antibiotic Resistant Tuberculosis
    Antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis, also known as multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, is a kind of TB that doesn't respond effectively to anti-TB drugs such as rifampicin and isoniazid. This type of the disease is one of the deadliest forms of tuberculosis. It is less transmissible however, but it also needs special kinds of drugs that can eliminate antibiotic-resistant agents that thrive in the body. Most of the time treatment takes years to complete; some patients meanwhile die due to failure of completing the treatment. [read more]

  20. Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea
    Antibiotic-associated diarrhea typically occurs when the natural balance of bad and good bacteria in the intestinal tract is disturbed. This causes the harmful bacteria to proliferate resulting to frequent bowel movements. Often, it is mild and can clears up after several days or less. [read more]

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