Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter M

  1. M?ni?re's disease
    By definition, this disease was named named after the French physician Prosper M?ni?re, who was the first to make a report in an 1861 article that vertigo was caused by inner ear. Today, M?ni?re's disease is recognized as a disorder of the inner ear that can affect both hearing and balance [read more]

  2. Mac Ardle Disease
    Mac Ardle Disease, otherwise known as Glycogen Storage Disease Type V (GSD-V) is a kind of metabolic disorder due to the glycogen storage. It is the most common of the various type of GSD. (Wolfe, Gil I. et al. ?McArdle's disease presenting with asymmetric, late-onset arm weakness.? Muscle & Nerve, 2000). [read more]

  3. Machado-Joseph Disease
    Machado-Joseph Disease pertains to a rare type of hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia characterized by ophthalmoplegia, mixed sensory and cerebellar ataxia, and general lack of muscle control. It is also alternatively known as Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. [read more]

  4. Macroglobulinemia
    Macroglobulinemia otherwise known as Waldenstr?m Macroglobulinemia, is a cancer involving lymphocytes. It is characterized by increased levels of macroglobulins in the circulating blood and diffuse of infiltration of bone marrow and produces symptoms of hyperviscosity. [read more]

  5. Macroglossia Dominant
    Macroglossia dominant refers to the severe enlargement or hypertrophy of the tongue which cause functional difficulties in speaking, eating, and sleeping. It is most common in primary and myeloma-related amyloidosis, which refers to the accumulation of insoluble proteins in tissues that impedes its normal functioning (Merck Manual 17th Ed.) [read more]

  6. Macular Degeneration
    Degeneration is a medical condition that is mostly found in elderly adults wherein the center of the lining of the eye known as the macula area of the retina suffers thinning atrophy and to certain extent, bleeding of the eye. It one of the leading cause of central vision loss or blindness for those ages over fifty (de Jong PT (2006). "Age-related macular degeneration". N Engl J Med. 355 (14): 1474 ? 1485). [read more]

  7. Macular Degeneration Juvenile
    Macular degeneration juvenile is a medical condition which affects the center lining of the eye known as the Macula area of the retina of younger individuals. Its other term and example includes the Best's Disease, Doyne's honeycomb retinal dystrophy, Sorsby's Disease and Stargardt's Disease. It often leads to blindness (Roberts, DL (Sep 2006). "The First Year--Age Related Macular Degeneration". (Marlowe & Company). [read more]

  8. Macular Degeneration, Age-Related
    Age-related Macular Degeneration is a medical condition that is mostly found in elderly adults wherein the center of the lining of the eye known as the macula area of the retina suffers thinning atrophy and to certain extent, bleeding of the eye. It one of the leading cause of central vision loss or blindness for those ages over fifty (de Jong PT (2006). "Age-related macular degeneration". N Engl J Med. 355 (14): 1474 ? 1485). [read more]

  9. Macular Degeneration, Polymorphic
    Polymorphic macular degeneration is a medical condition which is mostly found in adults due to polymorphism. It is the leading cause of central vision loss (blindness) in the United States today for those over the age of fifty years (de Jong PT (2006). "Age-related macular degeneration". N Engl J Med. 355 (14): 1474 ? 1485). [read more]

  10. Macular Hole
    Macular hole is a medical condition affecting the center of the retina in which the vitreous gel inside the eye weakens and eventually separates from the retina, leading to macular traction and causing a hole to form. [read more]

  11. Mad Cow Disease
    Mad Cow Disease, otherwise known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) is a neurodegenerative diseases in cattle that cause a spongy degeneration in the brain and in the spinal cord. [read more]

  12. Maffucci Syndrome
    Maffucci syndrome, named after Angelo Maffucci, is usually presented by multiple enchondromas associated with multiple cavernous soft tissue hemangiomas. [read more]

  13. Magnesium Deficiency
    Magnesium deficiency pertains to a depletion or absolute absence of magnesium in the body, usually as a consequence of a number of conditions. Magnesium is essential in the body's metabolic function and its absence can cause serious repercussions. [read more]

  14. Mal De Debarquement
    Mal de barquement Syndrome or MdDs or Disembarkment syndrome is a rare condition which usually occur after a sustained motion even like cruise or aircraft flight. The phrase means ?sickness of disembarkation?. [read more]

  15. Malabsorption
    Malabsorption is a condition characterized by impaired absorption of nutrients from the GI tract, affecting the small intestine's ability to adequately absorb nutrients that are essential for the normal functioning of the body. [read more]

  16. Malakoplakia
    It is a rare inflammatory condition manifested by a papule, plaque or ulceration that affects the genitourinary tract. It is described by the presence of histiocytes with basophilic inclusions called Michaelis-Gutmann bodies. [read more]

  17. Malaria
    Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by mosquito bites, known as Anopheles Mosquitoes. It is one of the most common vector-borne infectious diseases in most tropical and sub-tropical regions in Asia, Africa, and some parts of Americas. [read more]

  18. Male Breast Cancer
    Breast cancer is not just a woman's disease. Men also have breast tissue that could undergo cancerous changes. While women are about 100 times more likely to get breast cancer, any man can still develop breast cancer. Male breast cancer is common between the ages of 60 and 70. [read more]

  19. Male Hypogonadism
    Male hypogonadism is a condition in which the body doesn't give out enough of the sex hormone testosterone. [read more]

  20. Male Menopause
    Male menopause is a phase where men experience a decline of androgen production due to aging. The production of testosterone hormones do not stop, however, unlike the female ovaries. [read more]

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