Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter R

  1. Rabbit Fever
    Rabbit fever is an infectious disease that attacks the skin, eyes, and lungs. It is also referred to as deerfly fever or tularemia. [read more]

  2. Rabies
    Rabies is a viral zoonotic neuro-invasive infection that often causes an inflammation of the brain (a condition known as acute encephalitis). Rabies is from the Latin word ?rabies? meaning ?rage, fury, or madness?. Rabies can be fatal when affecting non-vaccinated humans, especially after neurological symptoms have occurred. However, the effects can be curbed if the patient is promptly vaccinated shortly after exposure to the virus. When the disease becomes symptomatic, however, it becomes invariably fatal. [read more]

  3. Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome
    Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome is characterized by severe resistance to insulin, abnormal growth and development, acanthosis nigricans, and, in some cases, a hypertrophic pineal gland. In this rare insulin receptor disorder, the patient's body suffers from a disability to use insulin which is needed to control blood sugar levels. [read more]

  4. Radiation Exposure
    Radiation exposure is a sickness brought about by long-term exposure to low levels of radiation. This sickness often affects cell division. Radiation exposure is used to treat cancer, as the ionization process destroys cancer cells. [read more]

  5. Radiation Sickness
    Radiation sickness the damage to the body due to exposure to a very large dose of radiation usually received over a short period of time. The condition is also referred to as acute radiation sickness, acute radiation syndrome, or radiation poisoning. [read more]

  6. Radiophobia
    Radiophobia is a type of phobia characterized by an irrational fear of ionizing radiation. Most commonly, the term is associated with an extreme fear of X-rays. In addition, radiophobia is also used in the context of a neurological disorder, in which case the condition is used to reference a specific phobia such as a general fear of the use of nuclear energy. In general, fear of ionizing radiation may be considered natural or normal, since exposure to radiation poses significant risks to humans. However, the fear may escalate to such a degree that it becomes abnormal and irrational. [read more]

  7. Radon Poisoning
    Radon Poisoning: Radon is a radioactive gas that will damage cells if left exposed for a lone period of time. It cannot be seen, felt nor smelled and enters the body through respiration and causes the body damage. This condition is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer. [read more]

  8. Raine Syndrome
    Raine syndrome is a rare disease in newborn infants characterized by intracranial calcification, or an abnormal increase in bone density, which can prove ultimately fatal. Raine syndrome is also alternatively called osteosclerotic bone dysplasia. [read more]

  9. Ramsay Hunt Paralysis Syndrome
    Ramsay Hunt paralysis syndrome comprises three distinct neurological conditions described by James Ramsay Hunt in early 19th century - Ramsay Hunt syndrome type I, Ramsay Hunt syndrome type II, and Ramsay Hunt syndrome type III. [read more]

  10. Rapadilino Syndrome
    Rapadilino syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, inherited via autosomal recessive trait, characterized by short stature, radial and patellar aplasia, cleft or arched palate, limb malformation, radial ray defects, and dislocated joints. [read more]

  11. Rapid Gastric Emptying
    It is also referred to as the Dumping syndrome. This condition is a collection of symptoms which is most likely to happen if an individual had undergone a surgery to remove most if not all of the part of the stomach or a bypass surgery. The condition occurs when the contents of the stomach that has not been digested are dumped in the small intestine too quickly. [read more]

  12. Rasmussen's Encephalitis
    Also known as Chronic Focal Encephalitis (CFE), Rasmussen's encephalitis is a rare, progressive neurological disorder affecting a single cerebral hemisphere and usually occurring in children under the age of ten. [read more]

  13. Rat-Bite Fever
    Rat-bite fever in an infectious disease where in a bite from a rat transfers a bacteria or fungi infection. The symptoms of the fever will depend on the organism which caused the infection. [read more]

  14. Raynaud's Disease Phenomenon
    Raynaud's phenomenon, or Raynaud's disease, is a vasospastic disorder characterized by a discoloration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other extremities. Named after 19th century French physician Maurice Raynaud, Raynaud's disease occurs more commonly in women than in men. When Raynaud's disease occurs without any underlying associated disease, it is known as primary Raynaud's (or simply, Raynaud's disease). If it appears as part of another disease, it is known as secondary Raynaud's or Raynaud's phenomenon. [read more]

  15. Razor Bumps
    Razor bumps are also referred to as shaving bumps. This condition usually affects men who have very curly hairs. It occurs when the tip of the curly hair grows back towards the hair follicle. It is also known as ingrown hairs. The ingrown hair causes a skin reaction and results to razor bumps. The condition is not an infection but is considered as a reaction of a "foreign body". The condition becomes worst when the hair is pulled out while shaving, shaving in a motion against the natural direction of the hair growth, or when using a multi-blade razor. [read more]

  16. Reactive Airway Disease
    [read more]

  17. Reactive Arthritis
    Reactive arthritis (acronym: ReA) is a type of seronegative spondyloarthropathy and an autoimmune disorder that results from an infection in another part of the body. It is called ?reactive? because it is caused by another infection; and ?arthritis? because it presents with symptoms very similar to a range of conditions collectively called ?arthritis?. Other names for this condition include venereal arthritis, arthritis urethritica, and polyarteritis enterica. [read more]

  18. Reactive Attachment Disorder
    This disorder usually affects children which is a severe, uncommon disorder of attachment. This is distinguished by markedly disturbed and developmentally unsuitable ways of associating socially in perspective. This can condition can either be in the form of constant failure to begin or respond to social interactions. [read more]

  19. Reactive Hypoglycemia
    Reactive hypoglycemia is characterized by recurrent episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia that occur within 2-4 hours after ingesting a high carbohydrate meal. The condition is believed to be a consequence of excessive insulin release triggered by glucose overload that persist even after the glucose from the meal has been digested or disposed by the body. Literally, hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. Most forms of hypoglycemia occur while fasting. However, reactive hypoglycemia is one that occurs right after eating a meal. [read more]

  20. Rebound Headache
    Rebound headaches are cycles of headaches. They are also referred to as medication overuse headaches. [read more]

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