Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter A

  1. Alveolar Osteitis
    Alveolar osteitis or dry socket is a type of dental condition that typically occurs when the blood clots at the area where an extracted tooth is dislodged, and exposes the underlying nerves and bones. This causes increasing pain. [read more]

  2. Alveolar soft part sarcoma
    Alveolar soft part sarcoma or ?ASPS?, which was first identified in 1952, is an extremely rare type of soft tissue sarcoma, a slow-growing tumor that occurs mainly in children and young adults. ASPS is a highly angiogenic disease, which involves an intensive production of new blood vessels connecting the tumor to the blood and enabling dissemination of tumor cells into the bloodstream. Because of this, tumor cells can easily transfer into various parts of the body, usually affecting the brain and lungs. ASPS is a sarcoma that affects soft tissues that connects and supports organs and structures of the body. It usually develops in the deep soft tissues and muscles of the leg or thighs, but could also appear in hands, head and neck. However, it could also spread and develop inside bones. [read more]

  3. Alveolitis, extrinsic allergic
    Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA), also known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, is an inflammation of the alveoli found in the lung. This condition is caused by hypersensitivity to various types of inhaled organic dusts. People with this disease are usually exposed to dust from their hobbies or occupations. Several types of extrinsic allergic alveolitis exist based on the provoking antigen. These include Bird-Breeder's Lung (avian proteins), Farmer's Lung (molds), Bagassosis (moldy bagasse or sugarcane), Malt Worker's Lung (moldy barley), Humidifier Lung (by mist of standing water). Mushroom Worker's Lung (mushroom compost), Compost Lung (compost), Peat Moss Worker's Lung (peat moss), Suberosis (moldy cork dust), Japanese Summer-Type HP (damp wood and mats) and Cheese-Washer's Lung (cheese casings). Other types of EAA include Hot Tub Lung, Mollusc Shell HP, Metalworking Fluids HP, Isocyanate HP, TMA HP, Beryllium and Wine-grower's Lung. The most common of all EAA are Bird-Breeder's Lung and Farmer's Lung, affecting 8 to 850 people in 100,000 persons each year for farmers alone and 6,000 to 21,000 people in 100,000 persons for pigeon breeders yearly. [read more]

  4. Alveolus Cancer
    Alveolus Cancer is the cancer of the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchial tubes located in the lungs. [read more]

  5. Alzheimer disease, familial
    Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) is a very rare form of Alzheimer's disease that affects people aged 20 to 65. This condition is inherited in an ?autosomal dominant fashion?. As its name suggest, Familial AD occurs in patients with 2 or more first-degree relatives with AD history. However, only 5% of the total Alzheimer's disease account to familial AD. Emil Kraepelin first identified the symptoms of FAD, while Alois Alzheimer observed the characteristic neuropathology of FAD in 1906. [read more]

  6. Alzheimer's disease
    Alzheimer's disease, which is named after Alois Alzheimer, is a neurodegenerative disease that occurs in people aged 65 and over. This disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting over 20 million people worldwide. Once Alzheimer's has been diagnosed, the life expectancy of patients is around 7 years. Only 3% of patients live for more than 10 years. [read more]

  7. Amaurosis
    ?Amaurosis? is a Greek word that means obscure, dark or darkening. As its name suggest, Amaurosis is vision loss or a weakness that develops without any apparent lesion, affecting the eyes. Amaurosis can be a result from a medical condition, while some are acquired from excess acceleration, such as in flights. [read more]

  8. Ambiguous Genitalia
    Ambiguous genitalia is a very rare medical condition in which the external genitals of the newborn do not clearly appear if it's a male or female usually because it is not properly formed. This may cause serious social stigma and question to the baby's gender. In most cases, it is important to wait to determine to true gender of the child. [read more]

  9. Amblyopia
    Amblyopia, commonly known as ?lazy eye?, is a visual system disorder characterized by poor vision in one of the eyes. However, the affected eye remains physically normal or out of proportion. This condition affects 1% to 5% of the global population. Poor or no transmission of the visual images to the brain causes lazy eye. This condition usually affects only one eye, but it could occur in both eyes if both are similarly deprived of clear visual images. However, if detected early in life, the chance of successful treatment increases. [read more]

  10. Ambras syndrome
    Ambras syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by excessive hair throughout the body. It is also known as ?hypertrichosis lanuginosa?, congenital hypertrichosis universalis and congenital hypertrichosis lanuginose. Ambras syndrome affects only one person in 1 billion people. Less than 40 cases of Ambras syndrome have been documented worldwide. This condition is said to have genetic component with family histories of Ambras syndrome being reported in relation to affected patients. In the 19th century, people suffering from Ambras syndrome perform in sideshow acts or circuses. People described as ?wolfmen? or ?werewolves? due to their excessive hair growth are most likely sufferers of Ambras syndrome. [read more]

  11. Amelogenesis
    Amelogenesis is a disease that forms enamel on teeth. It occurs during the crown stage of a person's tooth development or during the formation of dentine. [read more]

  12. Amelogenesis imperfecta
    Amelogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of a person's tooth development, which causes teeth to become discolored, grooved, pitted, prone to breakage, become unusually small and develop other dental abnormalities. This condition produces varying effects and can affect both baby teeth and permanent teeth. Fourteen types of amelogenesis imperfecta exist. Each type is distinguished by specific dental abnormalities present. All types of amelogenesis imperfecta can affect any number of teeth. People with amelogenesis imperfecta develop teeth with abnormal color, such as grey, brown or yellow. Their teeth have greater risk of developing cavities and become hypersensitive to changes in the temperature. It is estimated that 1 in 14,000 people in the U.S. and 1 in 700 people in Sweden suffer from amelogenesis imperfecta. However, the exact incidence of this condition remains uncertain. [read more]

  13. Amenorrhoea
    Amenorrhoea, a term derived from the Greek ?a?=negative, ?men?=month, ?rhoea?=flow, is a condition wherein a female does not experience a menstrual period. Amenorrhoea is also a symptom of various causes. For women where menstrual cycles never start, a condition called primary amenorrhoea, the condition may be caused by several developmental problems such as failure of ovaries to maintain or receive eggs cells as well as congenital absence of one's uterus. Delay in a female's pubertal development may also cause primary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhoea, wherein menstruation cycles cease, is usually caused by hormonal problems from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This can also occur when a female experiences premature menopause and intrauterine scar formation. [read more]

  14. American trypanosomiasis
    American trypanosomiasis, also known as Chagas' disease, is a human parasitic disease, which occurs in tropical areas in South America. The pathogenic agent of this disease is a ?flagellate protozoan? called ?Trypanosoma cruzi?, which is transmitted to mammals by blood-sucking assassin bugs of the Reduviidae Family. These insects are also called barbeiro, chupanca, chipo, vinchuca, benchuca and kissing bug. However, other forms of transmission are possible; some affected patients acquire the disease through fetal or blood transmission as well as ingestion of food contaminated with various parasites. [read more]

  15. Amnesia
    Amnesia is a condition in which memory is disturbed. The generators of amnesia are organic or functional. It is the loss of recall; usually natural causes include damage to the brain, within trauma or disease, or use of specific drugs [read more]

  16. Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning
    Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning is an unusual and rare disease which occurs as a result of a toxin made by a microscopic, salt-water plant that is usually red-brown or a diatom specie called Nitzchia Pungens. [read more]

  17. Amnestic Disorder
    Amnestic Disorder, otherwise known as the Retrogade Amnesia, is a disorder where there unusually decline in memory function such as difficulty in recalling events that happened or facts that they know before the Amnestic Disorder. [read more]

  18. Amoebic Dysentery
    Amoebic dysenery is an intestinal illness due to a microscopic parasite called Entamoeba histolytica. Anyone can be infected with Entamoeba histolytica. It is common to people living in tropical or subtropical areas and men fun of having sex with men. [read more]

  19. Amputation
    Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery. It is implemented to control pain or a disease, such as malignancy or gangrene. A special case is the congenital amputation, where foetal limbs have been taken off by constrictive bands. Amputation of the hands or feet is implemented as a form of punishment for people who committed crimes in some countries. [read more]

  20. Amyloidosis
    Amyloidosis is a unique and potentially deadly disease that takes place when substances called amyloid proteins build up in your organs; which areabnormal proteins commonly formed by cells in your bone marrow that can be deposited in any tissue or organ. [read more]

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